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2023-08-29 Findon WI Swim _ Midhurst _DSC2156.jpg

Our Story


Findon Village WI was formed in 1974. As an evening meeting it was able to welcome working women, and also encouraged membership from outside Findon itself. Today the group is thriving: a mix of the traditional 'jam and Jerusalem', fun, and forward thinking.


If you would like to find out more why not come along to a meeting, where you can be sure of a warm welcome and a cuppa. 

Since 1974

Inspiring Women

Findon Village



Our Committee

President - Sara Clarke

Hon. Secretary - Sharon Blacker

Hon. Treasurer - Paddy Winter

Minutes Secretary - Monica Eastabrook

Maggie Milward

Sue Stone

Jean Burden

Phil Clark

From left to right:

Paddy (Treasurer)

Sara (President)

Sharon (Secretary)

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